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Raw Indian Hair Blog

The Truth About Raw Hair Vendors Won't Tell You

The Truth About Raw Hair Vendors Won't Tell You

95% of Real Raw Virgin Hair Originates from the Temples in India! That's a Fact!

When it comes to raw virgin hair, there's a significant truth the industry doesn't openly share: 95% of genuine raw virgin hair originates from the temples in India. Despite the marketing claims, women in Brazil, Peru, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Russia, and other countries are not cutting their hair off in quantities large enough to supply the global demand for hair extensions.

The Realities of Global Hair Sourcing

Rare and Expensive: The Myth of Brazilian, Cambodian, Vietnamese Hair Sources

In these countries, while some women might sell their hair due to financial distress, the amount of hair collected is simply insufficient to meet the high world demand for hair extensions ranging from 8 to 40 inches in various textures. Genuine raw virgin hair from these regions is not only extremely rare but also extremely expensive. This scarcity is a simple case of supply and demand. Additionally, these countries lack the cultural or religious practices that create a steady supply of hair.

Unethical Collection Practices

The hair collection methods in many of these countries can be highly unethical. Women are often coerced or forced to cut their hair off. In some cases, hair is taken without the donor's full consent, leading to exploitative practices. The harsh reality is that only one country has a large enough population to sustain the hair extension industry ethically and on such a large scale: India. Millions of Hindu women in India willingly sacrifice their hair at temples as part of their religious beliefs. This practice ensures a steady and ethical supply of raw virgin hair. The process is voluntary and deeply rooted in cultural and religious practices, making it the most ethical source compared to other regions.

The Ethical Advantage of Indian Temple Hair

The ethical sourcing of Indian temple hair not only supports the hair extension industry but also benefits the communities involved. The temples use the proceeds from hair donations to fund social, educational, and health programs, creating a positive impact on local communities. This ethical dimension is an important consideration for consumers who are increasingly concerned about the origins and impact of the products they purchase.

Beware of Misleading Marketing

The Truth About "Brazilian," "Vietnamese," and "Cambodian" Hair

Many companies market their hair extensions as "Brazilian," "Vietnamese," or "Cambodian," etc. but the truth is that hair is cheap, low-quality processed hair sourced from China. This processed hair can be easily identified by its uniform wave or curl patterns, which are achieved through heavy chemical processing methods such as boiling, steaming, acid washing, adding fillers, and mixing in synthetic and animal hair. Authentic raw virgin hair from India does not undergo these processes. These heavy processing techniques damage the hair's natural structure, resulting in a product that looks and feels artificial.

Marketing Gimmicks and Hair Grades

Marketing gimmicks like Grade 10A, 12A, and so on are just that—gimmicks. These grades are not standardized and often serve to confuse consumers into thinking they are getting a superior product. Authentic raw virgin hair does not have a grade because each bundle is unique and from a different donor. Real raw virgin hair overall comes in three natural patterns: Natural Straight, Natural Wavy, and Natural Curly. Every bundle is unique and has a 100% non processed natural pattern. This uniqueness is a hallmark of authenticity, reflecting the natural diversity of human hair.

Identifying Authentic Raw Virgin Hair

To identify authentic raw virgin hair, look for the following characteristics:

  • Natural Texture: Each bundle should have a unique texture, reflecting the donor's natural hair.
  • Minimal Shedding: High-quality raw virgin hair should have minimal shedding, thanks to intact cuticles.
  • Natural Shine: Authentic raw virgin hair has a natural luster that doesn't look overly glossy or artificial.
  • Durability: Raw virgin hair is durable and can withstand various styling methods without significant damage. It will last you for years with proper maintanence.

The Authenticity of Raw Indian Temple Hair

Direct from the Source

Indian Hair Shop sources hair directly from the temples in India. This direct relationship ensures that we receive the highest quality raw hair, straight from the source. The temples are renowned for their meticulous handling and preparation of the hair, ensuring it remains in pristine condition. We prove and guarantee that our hair is 100% raw virgin Indian hair, coming straight from the temples in India. This direct sourcing ensures our customers receive the most authentic and highest quality raw virgin Indian hair possible!

The Processing and Preparation

Once collected, the hair undergoes a careful cleaning and sorting process. Unlike processed hair, which is subjected to harsh chemicals, raw virgin hair from Indian temples is cleaned using gentle methods that preserve its natural qualities. The hair is then sorted by length and texture, ensuring consistency in each bundle. This meticulous preparation process sets Indian temple hair apart from other sources.

The Cultural Significance

The practice of hair donation in Indian temples is a deeply rooted cultural and religious tradition. Devotees offer their hair as a symbol of humility and gratitude, believing that it will bring blessings and good fortune. This cultural significance adds a layer of authenticity and respect to the hair, making it a truly unique and valuable product.

Benefits of Choosing Raw Virgin Indian Hair

High Quality and Durability

Raw virgin Indian hair is renowned for its high quality and durability. The hair cuticles are intact and aligned, which reduces tangling and increases the longevity of the extensions. With proper care, raw virgin Indian hair can last for years, providing the best value for your money. This durability makes it a preferred choice for those looking for long-term hair extension solutions.

Versatility in Styling

One of the major advantages of raw virgin Indian hair is its versatility. It can be styled in various ways, including straightening, curling, and coloring, without losing its natural quality. This flexibility allows you to change your look as often as you like, making raw Indian hair a versatile addition to your beauty routine. Whether you prefer a sleek, straight look or voluminous curls, raw Indian hair can accommodate your styling preferences.

Natural Appearance

The natural texture and appearance of raw Indian hair make it blend seamlessly with your own hair. Each bundle's unique texture ensures that the extensions look natural and undetectable. This natural appearance is a significant factor for many consumers who want their hair extensions to look as close to their natural hair as possible.

Ethical and Sustainable

Choosing raw Indian hair supports ethical and sustainable practices. The hair is sourced from voluntary donations, and the proceeds benefit temple communities. This ethical dimension provides peace of mind for consumers who are conscious about the origins of their beauty products. By choosing raw Indian hair, you are supporting sustainable practices that positively impact local communities.


Raw Indian hair is an excellent choice for those seeking high-quality, versatile, and durable hair extensions. Its natural texture and appearance, combined with ethical sourcing and styling flexibility, make it a favorite among hair enthusiasts. By following the care tips outlined above, you can ensure that your raw Indian hair extensions remain beautiful and long-lasting for years. Embrace the luxury of raw Indian hair and transform your look with ease.

Investing in raw Indian hair means investing in a product that not only enhances your beauty but also aligns with ethical and sustainable practices. Whether you’re new to hair extensions or a seasoned user, raw Indian hair offers an unparalleled experience. Choose raw Indian hair for its unmatched quality, and enjoy the confidence that comes with wearing the best.

Additional Resources

For more information on raw Indian hair and to explore our range of products, please check our website. We offer a variety of raw Indian hair extensions, including bundles, closures, and frontals, all sourced ethically and crafted with care. Our customer service team is available to answer any questions and help you find the perfect hair extensions for your needs.

The Ultimate Raw Indian Hair Guide: Quality, Benefits, and Care Tips

The Ultimate Raw Indian Hair Guide: Quality, Benefits, and Care Tips
Discover the Luxury of Raw Indian Hair

Experience the unparalleled quality of our raw Indian hair extensions. Sourced ethically from temple donations in India, our hair is 100% unprocessed, ensuring natural texture, durability, and versatility. Whether you desire sleek straight locks, voluminous curls, or wavy tresses, our raw Indian hair blends seamlessly with your natural hair for a flawless look. Enjoy the freedom to style, dye, and transform your hair with our premium extensions, designed to last for years with proper care. Explore our collection and elevate your beauty routine with the finest raw Indian hair. Free shipping on all orders!

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Raw Indian Hair Blog | Indian Hair Shop

Raw Indian Hair Blog | Indian Hair Shop